Ros Wilson Ed
Website Design | Support | Marketing | Newsletter

Myself and a friend set up a company called P and R Education to support Ros Wilson with her work. The website includes a blog, a shop, a member’s area to view video content and lots of resources. The main purpose of the website is to showcase the Talk:Write project.
Diverse Educators
Website Design | Support | Video Editing | Podcast Editing | Virtual Events | Newsletter

Diverse Educators provides DEI training and support. It was founded by Hannah Wilson and Bennie Kara. The website includes a directory of DEI organisations, a blog, free CPD, event recordings and around 300 pages of content. I also provide a range of ongoing support including website updates, video editing, live streaming support and podcast editing.
Proof Reading | Publishing | Video Editing | Marketing

I worked with Ros Wilson to edit, proof read and publish her latest project Talk:Write. This included a 140-page book, 4 hours of video CPD and ongoing marketing. I also manage the project day to day.
It Takes 5 Years to Become a Teacher
Proof Reading | Publishing | Marketing

I worked with Ros Wilson to edit, proof read and publish It Takes 5 Years to Become a Teacher. I also manage sales and marketing for the book.
Top Tips for Teaching Suave Words
Proof Reading | Publishing | Marketing

I worked with Ros Wilson to edit, proof read and publish Top Tips for Teaching Suave Words. I also manage sales and marketing for the book.
Institute for Educational & Social Equity
Support | Video Editing | Marketing

Institute for Educational & Social Equity is a specialist equity, diversity and inclusion institute. It was founded by Professor Paul Miller. I provide a range of support including website updates, flyers, video editing and tech support.
Hannah Wilson
Website Design | Support | Video Editing | Newsletter

I work with Hannah on a range of projects, including Diverse Educators. Hannah’s personal website showcases her offer of leadership training and coaching including her REAL programme. I have also edited two series of Hannah’s REAL podcast.
Vernon Terrace Primary School
Website Design | Illustration | Support

Vernon Terrace Primary School is a school based in Northampton. The website includes all of the required statutory information, provides parents with up-to-date news and shows some of the great work they do with SEMH and their classes for deaf and partially hearing children. The site includes bespoke illustrations that bring it to life.
Conexus Healthcare
Video Editing | Marketing | Design

Conexus Healthcare provides services to GP practices across the Wakefield District. I provide video editing for their online courses and events. I also provide marketing planning and design.
The DiverseEd Podcast
Podcast Editing

The DiverseEd Podcast interviews a selection of contributors from their book Diverse Educators: A Manifesto. I edited and published the podcast episodes.
The REAL Podcast
Podcast Editing

In the REAL Podcast, Hannah interviews a range of Resilient, Authentic, Empowered Leaders. I edited and published 20 episodes across two series.
DiverseEd Live Virtual Events
Live Streaming | Video Editing

Hannah and Bennie, founders of Diverse Educators, run regular, free live streamed events with a wide range of diverse speakers. I provide technical support, run the live broadcasts using StreamYard and then edit the video for the website.
Angela Browne
Support | Video Editing | Online Courses

I work with Angie on a range on projects including website updates, live session support, tech support and online course creation.
Black Men Teach
Website Design | Support

Black Men Teach supports black male educators. It was founded by Albert Adeyemi and Johnoi Josephs. Their aim is to build a community and create spaces for reflection and aspiration. I built their website and offer ongoing support.
Live Love Learn Lead
Website Design | Branding | Illustration | Support

Live Love Learn Lead offers leadership and life coaching. It was founded by Kate Smith. The logo design, custom illustrations and bold colours were a perfect fit for Kate’s style.
Website Design | Support

HeadsUp4HTs works to provide support for headteachers, deputy heads and aspiring heads. It was founded by James Pope. I built their website and offer ongoing support including emails using Mailchimp and automations using Zapier.
Those That Can
Website Design | Branding | Support | Print

Those That Can was founded by Dr Emma Kell. Emma is a coach, a speaker, a teacher, a trainer and a writer. Her aim is to help people be the happiest, most effective and most authentic versions of themselves. I built Emma’s website and offer ongoing support.
Podcast Editing | Video Editing

NASBTT is the National Association of School Based Teacher Trainers. I worked with them to edit and publish a six-episode podcast series called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Podcast.
Adhara Education
Website Design

Adhara Education is an independent consultancy run by current teachers. It was founded by Bennie Kara and Emma Swift. They offer a range of training including on teaching and learning, curriculum and diversity. I built their website.
Ginny Bootman
Website Design | Support

Ginny has 25 years of experience as a teacher, SENCO and Headteacher. She is passionate about everything to do with special educational needs. I built Ginny’s website and offer ongoing support.
Olive Tree Primary School
Website Design

Olive Tree Primary is a school in Bolton, Lancashire. The website includes all of the required statutory information and showcases the great work they are doing.
The Mona Lisa Effect
Website Design | Branding | Illustration

The Mona Lisa Effect is run by Matthew Savage. Matthew’s work explores the intersection between wellbeing and DEIJB, through the prism of kind and “warm”, “street” and slow data. I built Matthew’s website and provided a new logo and custom illustrations.
Possibilities and Perspective
Website Design | Branding | Design | Print

Possibilities and Perspective is run by Sarah Hussey. Sarah offers coaching, consultancy and training. I built Sarah’s website, provided a logo and do design and print work.
Crux Leadership Development
Website Design

Crux Leadership Development is run by Amanda Wilson. Crux Leadership Development provides the essential building blocks for leadership through coaching, events and articles. I redesigned the existing Wordpress website.
Think Future Learn
Website Design | Membership Website | Branding

Think Future Learn is run by Anoara Mughal. Anoara provides resources and training on metacognition. I built Anoara’s membership website, provided a logo and designed and formatted resources.
Website Design

MixEd is run by Louise Jaunbocus-Cooper and Marcus Shepherd. MixEd is a platform to discuss race, identity and inclusion. I built Louise and Marcus’s website.